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What to Look for in Equipment for Deaf and Hard of Hearing People


Finding the right equipment when you are deaf or hard of hearing can be very difficult. It can involve quite a bit of trial and error – however, this does not have to be the case. One way of better-ensuring success when it comes to your hearing equipment is by knowing what you should be looking for.

Of course, everyone’s hearing profiles will be slightly different! If you are ever unsure about which hearing tools and aids are likely to suit your needs the best, make sure to consult your doctor or a hearing specialist as soon as possible. In the meantime, here are a few points to consider when shopping for equipment for deaf and hard of hearing people – for yourself, or for others!


Consider your daily needs

Arena Visual & Hearing Impaired Inclusivity Pack - equipment for hard of hearingIf you are starting to look for hearing assistance, it’s likely you may have noticed a wide array of different tools and products available! Consider where you need assistance the most. Do you need help communicating with people one on one? Are you struggling to hear the TV, or do you need help hearing people when out in public?

As well as straightforward hearing aids, there is technology available – such as hearing loops – which can help you to tune in on conversations in busy spaces. There are also amplifiers and other resources that can help you use your telephone or mobile easier, too. It’s also important to consider investing in smoke alarms, clocks and doorbell technology that’s developed for the hard of hearing. Equipment for hearing impaired people such as this could save lives – and are well worth considering!

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Choose a brand you can trust

Naturally, brand reassurance is a must. Nowadays, there are many brands and lines of hearing aids available on the market – which, of course, come in a wide range of prices.

It can be easy to just go for the easiest and even the cheapest option, however, that is not always the best option in the long run. In fact, what you should be looking for is a reputable brand. It may seem appealing to choose a low-price hearing aid on Amazon – but if it’s from a company you’ve never heard of, you run the risk of being seriously disappointed.

Thankfully, nowadays, it is easier than ever to look up a brand and check to see how the public generally reacts to their products. Product reviews are available everywhere online – and you will be able to see how well a product works based on others’ opinions before you even have to consider buying it. Be sure to trust verified reviews, and those manufacturers you’re already aware of.


Quality assurance matters

You need to be able to rely on your equipment every day, without having to worry about it breaking down on you, or becoming difficult to use. This isn’t so easy to plan for unless you have reassurance from other users – not just a brand and its marketing.

Therefore, don’t be afraid to dive deeper into reviews, and to do some research into the technology and fittings available. Your doctor or chosen hearing specialist too, will be able to help you find a solution that fits your needs as well as your budget (a little more on this below).

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Ease of use

Equipment for hearing impaired people does not have to be complicated. It can be a real nightmare having to set things up every day, especially if you do not know how to. Therefore, look for something that you can easily use by yourself every day – thankfully, the vast majority of leading hearing assistance will be user-friendly as standard.

Depending on the piece of equipment you choose, it may take you some time to figure out how to use it, which is normal. That’s why it is always a good idea to consult an instruction manual or help guide before you get started.

However, if you have to go through a thousand settings in order to achieve the level of hearing clarity you desire, then it may be worth looking at a simpler model.

Even items as innocuous as a hard of hearing alarm clock needs to be easy for you to use – be sure to check all the details!


Comfort is key

It’s reasonable to expect that the vast majority of hearing assistance devices are comfortable and easy to wear. However, this is again something you will need to ascertain through user reviews, researching the products that appeal to you, and even trying devices on for size wherever possible.

There are many different styles of hearing aid available, and what’s more, devices such as portable loops are designed to be easy to take with you and use at any given moment. Therefore, think carefully about your own ease of use demands before you decide on a specific model or make.


Price up wisely

In some cases, the best hearing aids and equipment can arrive at high prices. However, this certainly doesn’t have to be gospel. What’s more, if you spend too little on a device or hearing assistance, you may find that you end up with technology that’s cheaply made or otherwise unreliable.

Therefore, hearing assistance is a huge investment. It is definitely worth spending a little extra on equipment that you can rely on, that is easy to use and is comfortable for daily use. That being said, there is no need to spend a fortune unless you are sure that the equipment is right for you. It is worth comparing multiple brands and options so that you get a feel for the market. Again, your hearing specialist and/or doctor may be able to advise you.

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We understand that being able to hear clearly is a human need – and a human right! Therefore, you should never feel lost when looking for the best tools to help you hear the sounds you want to listen to. We’re here to help provide you with a wealth of devices and adjustments so that you no longer have to worry about straining your ears to listen in!

For more information about our equipment for deaf and hard of hearing people, call Hearing Loop on 01142 357717, or email us at info@hearingloop.co.uk. From portable loop systems, to tv and audio equipment, it’s time to get back a little more independence – and to relax in the knowledge you’re hearing everything that’s important to you.

Mark Slatter

Mark Slatter is a director and chartered Manager (CMgr MCMI, Level 6) with 18+ years of expertise. He holds a BA with Honours in Management. His LinkedIn Profile